These are a few things about the point of view of “Out of My Mind” that helped me as a reader. I really felt the struggles that Melody is going through as a disabled girl. Her life is a giantRead more…
Sharon Draper’s Writing
Here are some decisions that I enjoyed that the author, Sharon Draper, made. She wrote “Out of My Mind” and I was entertained when reading the book. I loved how Sharon hooked me in as a reader. It’s like I’mRead more…
Cattle Drives
A Song on Weather!
Thank you to “Have Fun Teaching” for making this video possible!
Maker Space Goals!
My Earth Day Poem
This is an elastic poem I made! Earth is not a clean place, so Gaylord Nelson made Earth Day Almost 50 years of Earth Day, 46 years to be exact Recycle Take away trash Holiday for cleaning DecreaseRead more…
Lesson on Gravity!
Special thanks to Crash Course Kids for making this video possible!
Child Labor in Textile Mills
Most kids hate to go to school, well some would say that they would agree, some would disagree for the following. Back in the Industrial Revolution, kids were forced to work in the textile mills. “Huh, big deal, they getRead more…
If I could choose to have a job that has to do with the government, I would choose to be a senator. I would want to be a senator for a few reasons. First, I would stand for the stateRead more…